Custom Adventures


The Process



Let’s talk! In a free consultation, we find out all your parameters and hopes and dreams, and figure out what style of treasure hunt might work best. We’re happy to do this on the phone or via email.


We’ll send you a proposal, which includes a breakdown of the type of treasure hunt we think will work best based on our discussion, and a budget. It’s all flexible, so we can tweak as needed! Then when you like what you see, sign the agreement, and it’s go time!


Over the course of several weeks, we plan your custom treasure hunt. All the puzzles are tested in advance to ensure the big day runs smoothly.

The Hunt is On!

On the big day, we arrive early to set up and plant all the clues, then run the treasure hunt from start to finish.

And Afterwards?

Be warned that after your treasure hunt you may experience some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Seeing clues and patterns everywhere you go.

  • Spotting a padlock in the wild and instinctively looking around for a clue to the code.

  • Kicking yourself over that one clue you should have figured out sooner.

The only known cure is to book your next adventure, stat!


 Decisions, decisions!


Our treasure hunts are fully customized to meet your needs. Before we get started, here are some things you might like to think about:

Where and when?

Is there a special landmark or meaningful location you’d like us to integrate? Do you want your treasure hunt to end at a party or favorite bar? Players love to celebrate their victory and compare notes on the adventure, so think about when and where you’d like to end the treasure hunt and we can work backwards from there! Or tell us your preferred area and we can make some suggestions.

How long?

Do you want a week-long odyssey or a tight hour of puzzles? We can design an adventure to fit any timeframe. If in doubt, 3hrs tends to be enough time to get the full experience without tiring your adventurers out too much. We can also provide ‘warm up’ puzzles to complete before the big day to get your players in the mood.

How many people?

Do you want to surprise a special someone with the adventure of a lifetime? Or bring the whole office for a team-building bonanza? We can cater to groups of any size - for large groups we recommend dividing into teams (see below).

Competitive or collaborative?

Do you want to divide into teams and race to the finish, or all work together against a ticking clock? We recommend having no more than 6 people per team so that everyone gets a chance to contribute, so for larger groups a competitive model is usually best!

How difficult?

Are you seasoned escape room pros, or first time puzzlers? Or maybe a mix of the two? We can design and calibrate puzzles to suit a variety of levels. Our aim is always to challenge players but not completely stump them, and we strive to include something for everyone, from the logic whiz to the lateral thinker. Everyone gets to be the hero at some point!

What’s the treasure?

Would you like players to dig up a literal treasure chest? Or does their adventure end at a surprise party, a fancy dinner, or a proposal? Was the real treasure the friends they made along the way? We can help you decide how to end your treasure hunt with a prize they’ll love.

Not sure? No problem!

Check out our previous treasure hunts for inspiration, read the FAQs, or get in touch and we’ll guide you through your options!